The Bernard Field Station![]() [this page is still under construction] The Bernard Biological Field Station is a plot of undeveloped land currently used by the colleges as an outdoor research lab. It also hosts an award-winning environmental education program for local elementary students, providing some of these kids with their only exposure to California’s natural environment. The Bernard Field Station (BFS) contains one of the largest remaining concentrations of Coastal Sage Scrub, the endangered ecosystem that once covered all of LA County - building on this site would do irreparable environmental harm. KGI has not even addressed the risks of potential escape onto the land of genetically modified organisms in the case of earthquake or fire.
See the Students for the Field Station home page for photos and more information on the struggle to preserve BFS. Also see The Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station official web site for further information on BFS use, procedures, and management, history, environment, and biota. Photos copyright 2001 Josh Kline. Used with permission. | ||
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