CALL TO ACTION!Help fight this assault on nature, academic freedom and indigenous rights!“School” is in session, and construction/destruction of Bernard Field Station could begin as early as summer 2001! Corporate sponsorship of biotechnology, the patenting of life, indigenous rights, and the rape of the environment concern us all. TELL THE COLLEGE PRESIDENTS THAT YOU OPPOSE THE KECK GRADUATE INSTITUTE, and that KGI IS BAD FOR THE CLAREMONT COLLEGES! Important points to make:
If you are a high school student, you might want to consider telling the presidents how your image of the Claremont Colleges has been adversely affected by their stance on KGI and the BFS. Call or email the following people and have your voice heard today! (Please CC any emails you send to, so we can keep track of how we're doing! If you receive a response, we'd appreciate it if you'd forward it to us as well) Brenda Barham Hill: Chief Executive Officer, Claremont University Consortium (909) 621-8026 Peter Stanley: President, Pomona College (909) 621-8131 Steadman Upham: President, Claremont Graduate University (909) 621-8025 Nancy Bekavac: President, Scripps College (909) 621-8148 (909) 607-2514 Jon Strauss: President, Harvey Mudd College (909) 621-8120 (909) 621-8121 Marilyn Massey: President, Pitzer College (909) 621-8198 (909) 607-2690 Pamela Gann: President, Claremont McKenna College (909) 621-8111 | |
The Problem | Action Alert! | The Bernard Field Station | KGI's Corporate Sponsors | Stickers Explained Growing Opposition at the Claremont Colleges | Famous People Against KGI | Links | Home |